Showing Appreciation and Thanks With Quotes

How do you show appreciation? How do you thank people? I like to do so with inexpensive yet valuable gifts. This video shares one of my favorite sources for gifts.
How do you show appreciation? How do you thank people? I like to do so with inexpensive yet valuable gifts. This video shares one of my favorite sources for gifts.
Want to have some fun with Table Topics? Here's a Table Topics Tip: ask "anti-theme" questions! What's that? This video explains.
Are you intimated by Table Topics? Do you struggle mightily coming up with answers? Are you lucky to even find 5-10 seconds of material to talk about? Or, even worse, have you had to admit you couldn't answer the question and just quit? If that's your challenge, I have a solution: Cheat! You can cheat at Table Topics! This video shows you how...
Dale Caregie and Toastmasters International are recognized leaders for providing Communication and Leadership training. Which is more cost effective? This video compares the two ...
How do you motivate Toastmasters Members, and especially Club officers, to get involved in activities outside the club? Activities like Toastmasters Leadership Institutes (TLIs), Area and Division speech contests, District Conferences. This video shares a method that worked well for me.