Published on 19 September 2008 4783 downloads
Ah Counter Sheet.doc
Form used by the AH Counter to track everyone's use of filler words.
Published on 19 September 2008 3200 downloads
General Evaluator Worksheet.doc
Found by Deb Liptak, Keller Communicators
Published on 19 September 2008 3247 downloads
Form used by the General Evaluator to record their feedback for the meeting. Courtesy of Cheryl Kensing, Speak with Success Club.
Published on 04 April 2014 3230 downloads
Fun picture of a "Round Robin". Useful if you carry that "person" on your website or ClubScheduler for the purpose of scheduling evaluations by the entire club.
Published on 19 September 2008 3261 downloads
Speech Evaluation Form2.doc
Form used by Speech Evaluators to record their feedback.